This is a self paced and interactive foundational and transformational meditation course. You will learn how to practice Anapana, Vipassana, and Metta meditation here. Within this course you will be guided to experience overcoming the "monkey mind" and develop insight into the depths of your own reality. The Meditation 101 Handbook - Key To The YOUniverse is loaded with information, tips, and tools to assist you in overcoming many of the common challenges people face when meditating. You will also have access to the members area, my special Facebook Group -"Meditation for Enlightenment" and Live Guided Meditation Group Sessions with me on Zoom every Tuesday and Thursday evening. As I am devoted to helping you get the most out of this course, I am also offering unlimited Q&A via email or text (48 hr response time). Enjoy this course and reap the benefits of practicing meditation!
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app